OCTOBER 1, 2020

Welcome! We are moving into our 4th Phase of reopening! It's exciting for us; simultaneously, we have taken several measures to ensure the highest level of SAFETY and CLEANLINESS. In addition, after several member polls, we have made several schedule expansions and additions.
Reminder, the best way to contact the team is IN APP MESSAGES. If you need assistance downloading or installing the app, text us 973-361-0100, so we can help.
Also, we added 1 ZOOM LINK. We now have a ZOOM for Virtual Classes and a separate ZOOM just for parents interested in watching their children's live indoor classes simultaneously.
We must follow the State and CDC for safety and protection. All live classes are reservation-only, and are limited according to the above-mentioned guidelines. ACCESS GUIDE
All indoor classes - students must have completed a COVID waiver additionally.

We have EXPANDED the class schedule to accommodate more Indoor classes now that we have a proven system for safety and cleanliness. And members' interests in live classes have increases over 20%!
Please wear full EMA Gi (uniform) to class whenever possible.
Reminder: new schedule begins 10/1.

Did you know we offer FULL DAY and HALF DAY school programs?
FULL DAY includes distance learning. HALF DAY is great for working parents or those who want to limit their children's external exposure, but need some day-time to work or manage other responsibilities.
We have flexible 1 through 5 day options. See details below...

You read that right, we're offering birthday parties again! In fact, we're offering VIRTUAL and LIVE-INDOOR parties!
For our LIVE parties, we are limited to 10 guests. Oh, and no blowing-out candles :-(. But...we still get to learn martial arts, play some games, and [birthday child] break a board!
Look at some of the options below...

We will continue to offer Outdoor Classes until the end of OCTOBER. After Halloween, we will continue Indoor and Virtual classes.
Inclement weather will cause Outdoor Classes to become virtual.